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Our expertise in applied behavioural psychology

We know what makes people change their behaviour, in a way that is beneficial for our client and the consumer.

Social validation

…Makes it easier to pull people into the event! FMO!

People feel compelled to do what they understand other people are doing. A consumer’s own opinion is significantly influenced by the opinion of a group of people

Line-ups, open event sightlines, and even event signage describing counts of customers who have participated are all social validation tactics to improve your intercept marketing results.


…Makes it easier to pull people into the event! FMO!

People are more likely to exhibit a behaviour if they believe there is a limited opportunity to execute that behaviour. From lottery tickets to limited time offers, all employ scarcity. In intercept marketing, you can subtly and blatantly communicate that there are a limited number of samples or other rewards, to drive consumer participation, or post-intercept behaviours.


…To help you get a YES!

Reciprocity is about providing the reward in advance of the desired behaviour. The reward can be as simple as some meaningful product information, a free product sample, or a fun experience –but whatever it is, it increases the likelihood the consumer will exhibit the behaviour you want as a result of your intercept marketing.


…To help you get a YES!

Consumers are more likely to exhibit behaviours that can be shown to be consistent with the values by which they define themselves. We want the participant to tell us things about themselves through our touchscreen survey that we can then use to show how “right” the product we are representing is for them.

For example (and these steps are critical), if we have a green product, we first look for a consumer to tell us they are concerned about the environment, and then introduce them to the green product, and finish by asking them to purchase the green product because it aligns with their values.  


…To help you get a YES!

People respond better to people they like, and people like people who are friendly, smiling, responsive, polite and helpful. Intercept marketing staff engage thousands of people a day –it takes dedication, training and support to ensure your first intercept is as friendly as your 1,000th, but a professional appearance and an engaging smile is critical to intercept success.


…To help you get a YES!

When consumers feel that they have invested something of their own into an experience (such as a few minutes engaged in a marketing intercept), they feel that they are entitled to a certain reward.  If you align your desired post-intercept behaviourwith the consumer’s feeling of entitlement, such as through a money-saving product coupon, you increase the perceived value of the coupon and the likelihood of its redemption. 


…To help you get a YES!

People are more likely to respond to people they perceive are authorities on a particular subject, hence professional designations like Phd and MD. For example, this is also why all toothpaste commercials have an actor that is wearing a lab coat – to look authoritative. In intercept marketing, it is important to give the event environment and the staff an appearance of authority on the product on which they are expounding, without going so far as to mislead participants.

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